박진호 교수님, ‘Designing the Ecocity-in-the-Sky' 출간


A comprehensive resource on vertical urbanism and how to plan and design a vertical ecocity of 100 stories. The book covers the main objectives: ecodesign, concepts, habitats, and designing for biodiversity. There are detailed drawings, diagrams, and photos that work through the technical, research, analytic, and engineering issues of ecotowers and ecoengineering designs. The book is also helpful for anyone looking to understand multi-elevatoring concepts for multiuse towers, floor-plate designs for various usages, the effects of wind on towers, and other sustainable eco-engineering concepts. 


new south books : https://www.newsouthbooks.com .au/books/designing-ecocity-sky/

amazon : http://www.amazon.com/Designing-Ecocity---Sky-Seoul-Workshop/dp/1864705922/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1409902617&sr=8-1&keywords=Designing+the+Ecocity-in-the-Sky%3A+The+Seoul+Workshop

booltopia : http://www.booktopia.com.au/designing-the-ecocity-in-the-sky-jin-ho-park/prod9781864705928.html

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